Friday, 14 September 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

pin can be found on my board Furniture Love...

Oooh yes please! Is what I have been saying about every item here since I discovered this picture (via Patchwork Harmony) and the shop Lovely & Company this week...a fabulous treasure trove of vintage goodies and modern designer accessories that are truly drool worthy!

For some extra picture goodness on a Friday I have added a few of my favourites from the shop below ( I am in love with that little orange lamp!)...hope you all have good weekends friends!x

Sideboard HERE
Cushions HERE

All Pictures from Lovely and Company



  1. I love it! Especially the fall colors;-))

  2. Gorgeous things, love that lamp! xx

  3. In love with that cabinet! Would be perfect for my studio...ya know, once I have one :)


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