Thursday, 13 September 2012

e-course update module 3...

So I did promise a little update on the e-course happenings this week...we have had a lot of information about selling our designs this week which has been invaluable! So there has been lots of reading and notetaking (which isn't very exciting for you guys!) but we have had a few projects along the way too.

First up we had a brief to design nail art for a fictional Japanese company so of course I immediately thought 'what's more Japanese than Washi tape!?' so that's where the above designs have come from!

Next up we had another brief to design a range of gift wrap that didn't use florals...for some reason I really struggled with this! So I came up with a range of designs that could be used for a variety of celebratory occasions...I then developed some of these to include matching ribbons, gift tags, stickers and bags as a whole collection. (below)

Hope you have enjoyed this little catch up friends!x

All Designs Copyright Littletree Designs
Do not re-blog without permission. Thanks x


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Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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