Friday, 7 September 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

find this pin HERE on my Cards and Wrap board

Another Friday and our first week into September is over! My week has been a bit blah...lot's of stress around here lately, freaking out about life in general etc...I'm sure it happens to us all! Anyhoo this little trio of cards really perked up my spirits, 1 there is a cat in a bowtie, 2 a Don Draper style hat and 3 I just love the pretty colours! I would be happy to receive any one of these for my birthday.

Hope you all have a good weekend friends and don't forget my special 10% discount for Littletree Vintage runs until Sunday! Just type in SHOPOPEN10PERCENT at the checkout...x



  1. Lovely finds! I hope your weekend perks up a bit but I suppose we all have those 'bleurgh' moments every now and then. I'm sure you'll feel much better after a nice weekend :-) x

  2. Love the colour platte of these cards!, Great find, Dawn x

  3. Great cards, love the colours too. Hope you have a lovely weekend and next week is better. xx


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