Monday, 10 September 2012

Etsy...Toodles Noodles

Let's Celebrate set of 5 Gift Tags

Hello everyone, I trust you all had good weekends? I thought we would start the week off with something fun and colourful...I discovered the Toodles Noodles shop last week whilst researching non-floral giftwrap for an e-course project, one quick look and I was hooked! For a start a lot of their designs are printed on brown kraft paper and I LOVE anything on brown paper (don't ask me why!) and they just have the best products and design ideas! I can't wait to see what they have in store for christmas...yes I know I said the 'c' word but us designers and shop owners have to start thinking ahead, as much as they may dislike it!

Anyhoo I hope you enjoy this little discovery of mine and pop by the shop for a visit here...have a good week
everyone x

A selection of Wrapping Paper
Hurray for Bunting Kraft Bag Gift Kit
Stay Awesome A5 Notepad

All pictures from the Toodles Noodles Etsy shop



  1. Oh yes that is one lovely shop.

  2. Hi Rebecca - how lovely of you to stumble upon our shop! So happy to hear you have enjoyed our products and I promise we have exciting things coming for the holiday season! x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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