Friday, 4 May 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Another Friday? Already? Where has this week gone...I suppose I have been busy helping my sister move and work for my e-course...speaking of which, this week we have been sharing our creative workspaces. This is my workspace above, very tidy for the photo after removing many a mug and notepad!

So today's pinterest picks are of course some dream workspaces (that I wish I had!)...The board is from Sam called 'creative space'...I found Sam through Jeska of Lobster and Swan, who had posted about another of Sam's boards 'cook' which is also packed with gorgeous foodie ideas. Click on the links here to take you to the boards and sources...Hope you enjoy swooning over these spaces as much as I have, there is a Bank Holiday Monday here in the uk so I will see you back here on Tuesday... have a lovely weekend. xxx

I want this space with it's pretty blue walls and twinkly lights!
Which one was your favourite?


  1. ooh love having a nosey at other peoples work spaces, love all of them!

  2. These are all gorgeous, I love your little workspace too. Yes thats really pretty with the lights, also love the sewing space with all the fabric and love the different scissors hung on the wall in the first pic. Such a good idea. Have a great weekend. Xx

  3. Your workspace is as nice as your dream ones! x

  4. my favourites are the 1st and 2nd they are all so lovely. I have just moved house so they have given me lots of ideas

  5. Oh my goodness rebecca- I LOVE THEM ALL! I'll be here... pinning... for the nest little while!

    xo em


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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