Thursday, 3 May 2012

littletree features...Natalie Singh

Hellooo Thursday...yup it's still today I have a super special treat for you that will hopefully put a little sunshine into your day! Now do you remember a little while ago I did an interview for Natalie Singh over on her blog The Homely Place? Well today I am returning the favour and she has answered a few questions and shared some of her work for my lovely readers here to enjoy! 

If you havn't come across Natalies work before you are in for a visual feast, bright colours and funky patterns with a retro/folk vibe. She has recently been working on surface pattern designs for which she has started a brand new blog Tree Hill Cloud which is also the name of her Etsy shop. Natalie has also started a People Fund Project selling teatowels and mugs to raise money to get her work developed for fabric, wallpapers and more. Click on the link to find out more from Natalie herself!

In Natalies Etsy Shop 'Tree Hill Cloud' (clockwise from top left) 1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6//

- Three words that best describe your design style.
Hmmm.... not sure. I would say folk and maybe a bit retro - can't think of 3!

- Do you have a particular design process?
I usually have an idea of what I want to design, then hunt for images to use for my sketches and to create motifs from. I often find myself visualising the designs in my mind before they appear on paper. Or rather, the designs often appear in my mind when I'm trying to sleep and I have to sit up and note them down before I forget them. When I'm in the right frame of mind I'll sketch them out properly, and usually scan my sketches so I can develop them in Adobe Illustrator. 

Now that I'm doing a short course in surface pattern design ran by Rachel Taylor called The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design, I'm learning how it's done properly! And I'm beginning to find my way and have a bit more direction in where I'm trying to go with my work. It's helped me to loosen up with my drawing, and to understand 'how' to work; beginning with a motif and building on that, rather than the other way around!

- Having looked on your website and shops you have a real folksy/retro style, what inspires your work?
I'm inspired by ceramic and fabric designers of the 20th century including Figgjo Flint, Stig Lindberg and Bjorn Wiinblad. Also William Morris as the father of printed fabric. Also artists like David Hockney, Monet, and many more modern designers like Amy Butler, Designers Guild and Sanna Annuka to name a few. 

image copyright Natalie Singh

- What do you hope for your brand in the future?
I hope to be able to get my designs produced on fabric by a company like Robert Kaufman, and to design for transfer printed mugs and tableware. I would also love to develop a home decor range.

 - You moved from Sydney to London, how does life and design compare between Australia and the UK?
Sydney is just as hectic as London! I haven't lived there for 15 years so have forgotten a lot, but love the amount of art and galleries available everywhere in London.

- How do you balance work/life?
Since moving our business Artistic Visions out of the house, it's been a bit easier to balance!

 - What is the one thing you couldn't live without in day to day life?
My hair straightener!

- Other than designing what else is a big passion in your life?
Getting out into nature.

 - I see a lot of tea and coffee pots in your designs so the big question is Tea or Coffee? And more importantly Cake or Biscuit?
I'm a tea drinker at home but coffee when I'm out. Biscuits because they're always in the home!

Thanks Natalie! I really hope you have enjoyed this little sneaky peek into a designers life and that you pop along and see more of Natalies work and support her project!x

image copyright Natalie Singh
All images in this post are Copyright of Natalie Singh. 
Please do not reproduce/reblog without permission.


  1. Thanks Rebecca- it's a lovely post!
    natalie x

  2. So talented Natalie. I love Fresh Florals and Trees and Birds. Her work is so bright and colourful. (Is she doing module 1 of the Surface Pattern Course, there are so many people to follow?)

    1. Hi Dawn, yes she is doing the ABSPD course and I agree there are so many talented people to follow!


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