Tuesday, 24 April 2012

littletree's treasury's...

visit the treasury HERE

visit the treasury HERE

visit the treasury HERE

I may have become a little addicted to making treasury's on Etsy...I had never made any until Friday and now I've made 3! Very good for kick starting the creativity by staring at lots of pretty things...not so good for actual work! Oops! Most of the items are from my favourites list but some are new to me and maybe to you to? Hope these treasury's don't distract you from your work too much...see you tomorrow blog peeps! x


  1. Lovely treasuries Rebecca. Some really gorgeous finds. x

  2. Well done, these are great. So many lovely things you have found. Yes think I will be wasting lots more time making these! x

  3. Lots of lovely finds, and yes, those treasuries are SO addictive! x

  4. I have a thing for raindrops, so I'm love the 'April Showers' treasury! Great job, and thank you for all the inspirations!


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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