Wednesday, 25 April 2012

littletree wins a giveaway! yey!

Ello my lovelies! How are we today? I'm pretty good after winning the giveaway from the blog Rhi-Creations run by Rhianna, she had been doodling her way through March and decided at the end to giveaway a print of a doodle of your choice! I had to pick this doodle as I always sing along if I hear the song and I loved the handdrawn type and little stars!

Rhianna is very talented at handdrawn type and illustration which you can see over at her Etsy shop Ello Lovely. I have been a fan of Rhianna's for a while now so it was great to win her giveaway but if you are unfamiliar with her work I seriously suggest visiting her shop, I have added a few pics of my favourite prints below so you can see what you're missing!

Above images from Ello Lovely

This last print/crochet combo is one of Rhianna's latest collaborations with a lady called Meredith who runs the Etsy shop Sheepish Knitting & Crochet and I think it is such a great idea I really wish I had thought of it first!
Thanks to Rhianna for letting me share these with you today and thanks for my lovely print! xxx


  1. Lucky you!
    Just had a look at her shop...very lovely!

  2. What a lovely shop and a fab print you won. love the print and crochet together - so pretty x

  3. Your print is fabulous! Well done. Rhianna's shop is lovely too... x


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