Wednesday, 7 March 2012

take one simple shape...

Hello all, today I thought I would share a few new pattern designs I have had floating around upstairs for ages! This shape was a design I used at university for a very similar pattern to the one below but I only have it on paper and have been meaning for years to get it uploaded and re-worked in Photoshop. I scanned in the image a while back but finally last week I actually got around to doing something with it!

Feeling inspired by all of the neon around at the moment I thought the sharp acid yellow and grey would be a good combination and suit the pattern style. Now as I said the pattern directly below is a re-working of a design I had already, but what always amazes me is how with just one simple shape you can create so many different patterns! Photoshop is great for this as you can copy, flip and layer repeats so easily to create some weird and wonderful pattern combos as you can tell by the second pattern! And all from the one shape above! What do you think?x

All designs Copyright of Littletree Designs 2012


  1. those are pretty! Yeah, neon does look great!

  2. They look great! The 2nd one reminds me of dandelions. x

  3. wow, these are all gorgeous! x

  4. They're really nice! I like this pattern!

  5. Oh this takes me back.. one of first projects in college was to take a single shape and create various patterns.. it is such a great project. Enables you to create the unexpected

  6. Really cool pattern designs Rebecca! I've done some patterns using this method for Spoonflower before and it's so much fun to see what you can come up with!!

    xox, Rhianna


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