Thursday, 8 March 2012

littletree's top 5 blogs...

Yes it's that time again, a new month (can you believe it's March already? Eep!) and an all new Top 5 Blogs! After last months bumper edition we are back to just 5 but I hope that this months blogs get as many new followers and views as the last group did, it was a real success! This month is a bit pick and mix with a range of different blogs, design, craft, homes and a blog dedicated just to beautiful typography which I love...So hopefully there will be something new for everyone to discover, just click on the links below the banner image to hop on over and check them out!x

Lisa Martin

Polkadot Lighthouse

My Attic

All designs and images owned by their respective blog owners. 
Thanks to all the ladies for letting me use them!x


  1. Thank you so much for the shout out on my blog, it is very kind of you. I am going to have a sneak at the other blogs now :)

  2. Thank you very much for including my blog is your write-up! Excited to be on this list :)

  3. Ooh goodie, I love discovering new blogs. x

  4. Thank you for featuring my blog :)

  5. Thanks a lot for including my blog in your top 5!! Very nice ... I'm very curious about the other blogs so going to take a look now!

  6. Hi Rebecca, Thanks again for including us! Going to see what's behind all those lovely banners now...
    Have a great weekend!


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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