Tuesday, 10 January 2012

littletree loves...Judy Kaufmann

Another hey there and hello to everyone! Hope your week is going well so far? Today I thought I would share the work of a wonderful illustrator I discovered on a grey Sunday morning whilst browsing one of my fave blogs Bright Bazaar. Every Sunday Will (of Bright Bazaar) posts his favourite links of the week, one of which was Judy Kaufmann's blog...now I recognise some of her 'Famous' prints, I just didn't have a name to go on...Anyhoo I had no idea there were so many designs and that I was going to fall in love with them all! Her blog is so lovely I had to investigate more and discovered she has a fab website, Etsy, society6 and mykea shops, plus some really interesting Pinterest boards...she is one busy lady! So here is just a tiny selection of my favourites...x

Prints above from Judy's Etsy Shop

Map and iPhone Cases from Society6 Shop


 Furniture from Mykea Shop


  1. Lovely find Rebecca, and meant to say yesterday how much i liked your designs for Society 6!

  2. Love some of these Judy Kaufmann designs - particularly the submarine city one. They are cute, but still feel quite fresh to the eye.



Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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