Wednesday, 11 January 2012

littletree discovers...mykea

images from Mykea website
Welcome Wednesday! Now if you joined me yesterday I was raving about the fab Judy new design crush...swoon...anyway, through her website I discovered the amazing world of Mykea! This is a magical place where you can add fabulous designs and graphics to your plain Ikea furniture to instantly make it a work of art...this really is a genius idea, who doesn't have a piece of Ikea furniture that is looking a bit plain or could do with a bit of sprucing up? Exactly, hop on over to Mykea and pick from hundreds of designs by great designers and spruce away! No Ikea furniture? No problem Mykea also do a great range of wall stickers so don't fret there really is something for's a selection of work from a few designers...x

Amplifiers by LouLou and Tummie
Stationary and Table Books by Laszlito

My Room is My Castle by Oscar de Castro

So...what do you think? I loved these bright fun designs, they would be ideal for kids/teenagers/student bedrooms because you could always remove and change the patterns when they change their minds! Don't despair there are more subtle and delicate designs available, just check them out here...x

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing idea! When I eventually get my own place I'll be all over this. Ikea = <3


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