Tuesday, 20 December 2011

littetree bakes...chocolate goodies!

This is more of a littletree 'melts' rather than makes but hey-ho! I have had this idea in my head for a while now, ever since I went to Ikea a few months ago...I bought this rubber ice cube tray (below) as it would make rather cool (ha!) long ice stirrers in a summer drink but then I also thought I could use it as a mould for my own homemade chocolates! The mould being flexible making it super easy to get them out if they got stuck plus, my mind going into willy wonka mode here, all the crazy combinations I could create! So for friends this year I have made milk chocolate with honeycomb pieces and white chocolate with popping candy...I love popping candy! I'm sure it's terribly bad for your insides but hey it's Christmas and...well...I don't care, it tastes great and makes your head feel like a firework has gone off inside, what other candy can do that?! Anyhoo here's the how-to, it's really so simple theres not much how-toing to write! Enjoy...x

You will need...
  • Silicone Mould
  • Milk/White Chocolate Bars (or any kind you like)
  • Crunchie bars/Popping Candy (crushed candy canes would be good for the holidays!)
  • Any additional flavourings (mint/orange etc), colouring (to the white choc), sprinkles or sweets! 

1/ Grease the mould with a touch of vegetable oil (any flavourless oil will do) so the chocolate slides out easier after cooling.
2/ Bash up the Crunchie bars in a plastic bag into smaller chunks, but not crumbs!
3/ Melt the Milk Chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water until melted.
4/ Sprinkle Crunchie pieces into the bottom of the mould, pour chocolate on top and jiggle the mould slightly to make sure all the chocolate sinks down around the chunks. This gives a fun volcano type effect to the top of the chocolate once turned out.
5/ For the White Choc/Popping candy repeat step 3 and just stir in the candy once melted. Be careful as the candy can be quite violent and pop all over the place! Then pour into moulds.
6/ Leave to cool at room temperature for 5 minutes before popping in the fridge to set.
7/ Turn the chocolate out once cool (I ran a knife around the edge to ease the chocolate out) and leave to re-adjust to room temp somewhere cool before packaging.

All I had to hand was some tracing paper and twine so I made a sort of chocolate cracker but you could easily re-use a box and line with tissue paper, add a homemade tag and some pretty ribbon to jazz it up and your done! I wrapped my chocolates in cling film before the paper just as an extra seal to help the chocolates keep for longer. These would make a great last minute extra gift and they look really homemade even though all you did was melt some chocolate! Simple...x


  1. Those look yummy!
    Great idea to use the ice cube tray. I always see the different kinds in IKEA and think that they must be useful for something else.


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