Friday, 14 October 2011

pinterest pick of the week...

Well it's Friday again so it must mean it's time for some Pinterest fun! This week with the weather truly becoming colder and the nights darker I thought it might be nice to have a few projects to do indoors on those days when you can't face going out. Yes you have guessed it we are doing some DIY today! Plus with christmas looming the odd homemade gift idea might be's picks are from Elodie Chardon and the board is of course DIY home. There are some lovely projects for all tastes and skill levels such as the painted jars above, who knew old jam jars were so fab? So here are my other picks but there is plenty more to browse through so do pop over and take a peek...Elodie has lot's of other fab DIY boards too so check them out! Hope you all have lovely weekends whether you're DIY-ing or not!x

I love this fabric scrap lampshade, so easy and I bet everyone's got an old lampshade with awful fabric lying around somewhere that is just waiting for a makeover! I'm loving the old window turned handy kitchen noteboard too...genius! As usual click the links above for sources. x


  1. Gorgeous stuff - how I adore pinterest - i spend hours in there browsing:)
    Have a lovely sunny weekend,

  2. I'm in love with these projects! :)


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