Monday, 17 October 2011

littletree bakes (cooks)...chutney

Happy Monday! Hasn't the weather been lovely this weekend? Hope you were out enjoying it! So remember last week when I made muffins? I also mentioned I was making chutney...Apple and Pear Chutney to be exact...and so at the weekend I got my craft on (I think I was inspired by all the DIY goodness from Fridays Pinterest picks!) and concocted come pretty lid covers and labels so they are all ready for presents! I wanted them to look natural and a bit rustic seeing as most of the fruit we had collected were from windfalls around our area. The fabric and red wax string was from a local fabric store but the labels, beads, buttons and twine we had already. I love the brown tags, it means I get to use my special white ink pen to write with, you can see I had fun decorating them! Anyway I thought I would share what I did step-by-step if you were thinking of doing anything similar with homemade jams and pickles or even a smores kit as seen know you need to make those! Here's the how-to...x

1. First collect all sorts of bit and bobs that could be used for the decoration.
2. Pick out the fabric, beads, buttons and twine. Cut the fabric into circles using pinking shears, remember the circles need to be larger than the lids to be able to give you that frill around the edge.
3. Double wrap the twine around the lid making sure it's nice and snug, tie a double knot. Tweak the edges of the fabric so it's roughly even and pleated all the way round.
4. Thread on your beads, tie a knot and cut at the desired length.
5. Wrap the red twine around and thread on the label before trying a knot.
6. Thread the two ends of twine through a button and tie in a bow.

There, It's as simple as that! Well if I can do it anyone can...x


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