Monday, 3 October 2011

littletree loves...autumn

Hello all, hope you have had lovely weekends, can you believe it's October already? October really says 'autumn is here!' to me so I thought today would be appropriate to share these pictures I took out in the garden one dewy morning last week. The sun was just peeking out behind the tree and casting a misty glow all over the plants, it was just so inspiring I had to reach for the camera! I think Autumn and Spring are definitely my favourite seasons as there is so much change going on in the world of nature. Autumn has the leaves turning, berries and conkers on the trees, strange looking seedheads, the last of the flowers still just clinging to summer...beautiful, what's your favourite season? x

If you were interested I found these borders for my pictures here and they are all free!

1 comment:

  1. i did notice the cool borders! i love fall too. i don't love the rain but the crisp air is so perfect and comfortable!


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