Saturday, 1 October 2011

littletree discovers...the poundshop

A jolly weekend to all! I thought I would do a quick show and tell about the lovely goodies I received yesterday from The Poundshop...I had to share this with you today as this pop-up shop has only a few days left before it closes it's virtual doors! I discovered this wonderful shop through one of my new followers Jen, who has a lovely blog called 'a little birdie told me.' With so many lovely things all so reasonably priced at £1, £5 and £10 I couldn't resist getting a few for little Christmas presents (very organised I know!) and luckily these are for a friend who is away on holiday at the moment so hopefully she won't spot them on here! Please pop along to the shop as there are so many great ideas and gifts all by fab designers I would hate for you to miss out!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend and the sunshine, see you next week!x

A Dog Day: Sleeping Print £1 by Emily Rand

Pocket Mirrors £1 by Dicky Bird

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca! Thanks for the lovely mention. Nice selection you have bought from The Poundshop!


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