Monday, 20 June 2011

littltree discovers...Orla Kiely Bag

Finally! I remember reading ages ago that Orla Kiely was designing a bag for life for Tesco, in fact i'm sure it was possibly even before christmas?! Anyway I popped in to town over the weekend and what did I see...the bag! I have always coveted an Orla bag but never quite been able to afford one! This one costing £4 was slightly more in my price range and in aid of the CLIC Sargent charity for Children with Cancer so that was the perfect excuse,  plus I just love the colours (greys, mustard yellow and coral red! how predictable am I?) and it is the perfect size to take when i'm out car booting it, the handles are super comfy...ok ok enough gushing. Now all I have to do is keep my mum away from it...shes already attempted to steal it once! Hands off people its mine!

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