Friday, 17 June 2011

littletree loves...Mollie Makes magazine

Ooh I have just enough time to share with you this wonderful new magazine for anyone that's into (in their own words) making, collecting, crafting and thrifting. Ok so its not brand new, Mollie Makes launched in May but I couldn't find the first issue anywhere! Then in Tesco (of all places) I saw the second issue and snapped it up! I have been pouring over it all week and I just love it, you even get a free felt flower kit so you can get crafting immediately! So if you are a little bored this weekend I highly recommend picking up a copy to keep you crafting all weekend long, if (like me) you can't find a copy pop over to their website. Unfortunately they only have a sneak peak of the first issue up on the site, but it gives you a good idea as to the kind of lovely things that's in the magazine, plus there is lots of other goodies to look at! Have a good weekend! xxx
Ps. if you subscribe before the 31st of July you get the first 3 issues for £5! How can you resist?

1 comment:

  1. Hi fellow rebecca! Just wanted to say thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, it made my day :). Your work is gorgeous, I especially love your kooky birds prints! I think the colour pallettes you use are so unusual but they completely work and look fab! Hope you have a great weekend!


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