Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Etsy...New Shop Discoveries!

I found these three great Etsy shops in only the past few days, strange how it works like that isn't it? I love each of these products so much I just had to share them with you. Any friends/family reading this...major present hints!

1// Being permanently cold during the winter months fingerless gloves are a neccessity for me, especially working at the computer all day! These funky multi coloured ones by Rainbow Mittens are right up my street and I love the tiny band of blue around the thumb...

2// Ok so these Safari Tape Holders are the cutest things EVER! Such a fun way to display all those pretty washi tapes...I love the lion, ooh and the rhino...and the deer...well all of them really!

3// These male/female signs made from acrylic, topped with japanese papers and resin to look like ceramic tiles from Mooza are so clever and of course pretty! I would be happy to stick them up on my bathroom door...or any door! They also do letters too...


Monday, 16 September 2013

design-a-week challenge...week 1

copyright littletree designs
copyright littletree designs

So...first week of the challenge and I have just realised I haven't put a time limit on this challenge! 12 weeks seems like a good idea and it will bring us up to (eeep!) christmas... This first design (plus additional placement design) is a combination of an old design that I never got around to completing and the little illustration that I made for my website, as shown below...

I'm really pleased with the newer versions and I loved playing around with the oppacity and adding texture...I hope you like what you see! x

copyright littletree designs


Sunday, 15 September 2013

sunday busy sunday...

Jay Roeder

So far today I have...

Fed all the animals...whilst tripping over the cat and trying to stop a chicken on her mission to sneak past me and out of the gate to freedom...

Fed myself...

Filled up bird feeder...forgot that I haven't been feeding the birds since mum went on holiday...

Put washing on...

Walked the dog, tried not to get blown away in the process...

Hung washing up inside as it was so windy...after cursing at my mother for not putting the airer back where it has lived for the past 6 months, which resulted in half an hour of stomping around the house looking for it...under the bed anyone?!

Picking up dog cat litter tray...delightful jobs as always!

Sorting the recycling and food waste...

Wrestled with the tarpaulin covering our garden bench and chairs as it was threatening to blow away...the solution? Lot's of bricks...

Decided that I wouldn't be eating a whole bowl of tomatoes before my mum returns from holiday so not wanting to waste them decided to make a roasted tomato and pepper soup...

Lot's of washing up...

Finally sat down and had lunch slumped in front of the TV watching food network...

The animals then decided it was time for their lunch too...and so the whole process begins again!

Happy Sunday everyone! x


Friday, 13 September 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

from my board Tea and more... by Laura Caldentey

Well the week started so well with the sun still clinging to summer, but by today autumn has well and truly arrived... This illustraton by Laura Caldentey sums up exactly how I have been feeling about the new season, a big chunky scarf and an enormous cup of tea...autumn perfection. To be fair we have had a rather glorious summer for a change so I can say with joy that I am looking forward to chillier nights, soup, scarves and jumpers! Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday for my first Design-a-Week challenge post...x


Thursday, 12 September 2013

blog love...oh no rachio!

I haven't posted about a new blog crush in...well a looong time! But this one is a goodie... OH NO Rachio! is the blog of Rachel Basinger and is clearly a girl after my own heart...she blogs about food, bakes awesome cakes (see pic below), has amazing diy's to try AND shes also a designer with a great Etsy shop packed with goodies! I highly recommend a visit asap...x

picture from OH NO Rachio!


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

design-a-week challenge...

Hello lovely peeps! Now I briefly mentioned on monday about taking part in a new Design-a-Week isn't an official challenge just something I came across on the blog of Jessica Hogarth last week and thought 'hey, that's actually achieveable!'

As I said Monday I have been busy with house DIY and my design work has been put on the back burner for a fair few months so this challenge will help me ease back into the swing of things (hopefully!) The plan is to share with you each Monday a new design or two that could later become part of a new collection. But for now I thought I would share a few designs by Jessica Hogarth that she has created so far during her challenge...

 All Images Copyright Jessica Hogarth


Monday, 9 September 2013

a littletree weekend...

1// Enjoying the funky birdie pattern on my new pj's from Primark...via instagram

2// Yes that is me holding a snake! I am snake-sitting for a friend this week...lot's of my friends and family think I'm mad!

3// I have decided to start trying to complete a Design-a-Week challenge like the one Jessica Hogarth and  Jules McKeown of Yuyu have been doing for the past few weeks. I've been so distracted from my design work with DIY on the house so I thought this small challenge would help me get back in the swing of things!

4// Finally getting around to framing the fantastic Famille Summerbelle print I got for my birthday.  

Have a good week friends and I hope you are enjoying our slightly extended summer!x


Friday, 6 September 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

Cat Naps by Peskimo

Not sure why but this week I seemed to have pinned quite a few cat images to my Cat Stuff... board, must be a lot of cat lovers around! This little black kitty above has to be my favourite though, snoozing on all those beautiful mid-century chairs...what a lucky cat! I think I just love the colour aswell, that pretty mint with the striking black... You can buy the print from Peskimo's Etsy shop and check out all their other fab prints too. Have a lovely weekend blog friends and I'll see you next week. x


Thursday, 5 September 2013

littletree bakes...mary berrys' devonshire scones

image copyright littletree designs

Mary Berry is the queen of baking here in the uk, thanks to the success of the fabulous TV series The Great British Bake Off (aren't you loving the new series so far?!) And it is her personal mission to get everyone baking, a grand idea in my book!

With the traditional English Afternoon Tea on the rise in the past few years I have been in need of a foolproof scone recipe...and this is it! I will not tell you what I did because I did exactly as Mary instructed, apart from adding in a few chopped cranberries in at the end...I love cranberries but you could add whatever dried fruit you like. I also used a square, yes square, fluted cutter for my scones which I think gives them a little modern edge.

Follow the recipe HERE, do it exactly as she says and you will end up with perfect scones. It is a super simple recipe, she uses the food processor rather than all that finger flapping stuff and they take no time at all. Infact by the time I had popped them in the oven and cleaned up they were ready!

Oh and you can freeze if like me you are a 2 person household and 10 scones is just too much in one sitting then once they are baked and cooled pop them in a sealed bag and freeze. Simply defrost and (to quote Mary) 'refresh in a moderate oven for about 10 minutes.'

These really are the ultimate scone and perfect for breakfast or part of an afternoon tea. They were so nice I just ate one on it's own fresh out of the oven, no butter, jam, anything...just with a cup of tea. Bliss...x


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

littletree listens to... Daughter

Just popping in to say hello September! Wow the summer has really flown by... Today I want to share with you a recent music purchase of mine, the album If You Leave by Daughter. I only discovered the music of Daughter a few weeks ago but I was instantly compelled to download the album as I loved the soulful, ethereal music and gorgeous vocals... This video is of one of my favourite tracks from the album, Youth. If you're interested then you can hear more on the Daughter website...x
