Monday, 1 July 2013

meet Roberta!

 Left: Roberta and Aggy  //  Right: Roberta inspecting the camera

Happy Monday guys 'n' gals...say hello to our newest chicken, Roberta! Now you may have noticed that Roberta is 'slightly' larger than our other chooks...this is because she was one of our neighbours chickens and is a different breed to our Bantams. She has a sad back story...last sunday night her friends met an untimely end at the jaws of Mr Fox...she was the only survivor. 

My neighbour decided not to get any more chickens and asked if we would take her. At first we were unsure how our little chooks would take to a new friend but after the pecking order was established they seem to be getting on just fine! Now you may remember that all our other chickens have 'A' names but as our neighbour doesn't name his chickens we decided to name her after him...Rob therefore became Roberta!

Hope you all have a good week and just because here are a few more chook photos...x

what have we all spotted?

the cat!!


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