Thursday, 4 July 2013

littletrees' photoshop tips...brush presets

This tutorial is a first for me, I am by no means a Photoshop genius...But I saw this pin the other day and immediately went into Photoshop and started experimenting with what else I could do with the Brush Presets. It still amazes me that after all these years I am still learning new and different things to do in Photoshop.

The results were so good I put together a little 'how-to' page to save in my files so I didn't forget them later. Whilst doing this I thought why not share it with you, my lovely blog you can have fun experimenting too! All of these tecniques were achieved using a simple round brush shape. Have fun exploring your Photoshop brush presets, I would love to know if you make some crazy brushes! xx

copyright Littletree Designs


1 comment:

  1. Good one! Had no idea that you could make such an interesting textured brush (dual brush) from simple elements!


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