Monday, 20 May 2013

chicken paradise...

Hello blog friends...this week I have made a promise to myself (and to you!) to try and be a better blogger. So to kick off the week I have a little post about the fab new chicken enclosure that we have built at the bottom of our new garden. This part was all dead grass and weedy so it made the perfect area for four cheeky chickens...

And yes we built it! I knocked in fence posts and dug all the earth over, levelling it out and making a raised area for the coop. My mum and grandad built the covered area so they always have somewhere dry and is pure chicken luxury! I'm sure if it had star ratings it would almost certainly be a 5*. Although I'm not so sure the choocks agree...they would still rather be rampaging around the garden digging for england! 

Pleeease let us out! We promise we won't eat everything...
Our four girlies (from left to right) Alice, Aggy, Annie and Abigail

Hope you all have a good week and I will definitely see you soon with more posts! x



  1. That looks exciting... hope they behave.

  2. amazing! well done all of you, how fab to have chickens at the end of the garden.


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