Wednesday, 20 March 2013

study before & after....

Hello lovely blog friends! Apologies again for the delay on these pictures I promised last week...we are having the front room replastered etc and so my poor study has become the dumping ground once again! So today I sorted it all out so I could finally take some photos...

...apart from the lack of carpet and some pictures on the walls it is not looking too bad! And I treated myself to some new drawers from Ikea on Sunday which are great for storing larger sketchpads. I have also finally got a place for my little blue formica table which will be handy for when I need extra work space...and of course the cat has her little bed tucked in the corner for when she comes to sit with me. 

Hope you have enjoyed this little peek at the work in progress going on here at littletree HQ. And once all the stuff is moved back in downstairs I hope to spend more time in here blogging and designing on a more regular basis!x



  1. Looking good, important to have your space sorted and feeling tidy.

  2. What a lovely workspace, it looks great. I love those Ikea drawers. x

    1. I have coveted them for aaages but had no room at the old house so I'm very happy now!x

  3. I am green with envy! I Dream of a day when i have a little space I can call a studio!
    Its looking great, well done :D


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