Friday, 29 March 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

from my board Random Stuff...

Here is a happy little orange snail to brighten your day, this really made me giggle and hope it does you too! 

Have a lovely, hopefully sunny and chocolaty Easter weekend! x


Thursday, 28 March 2013

new work...daisy doodles

original sketches copyright Littletree Designs

Daisy Doodles copyright Littletree Designs

Just a quick post to share some new designs I have been working on inbetween painting the living room this week. I doodled these ages ago in my little notebook so I have been tweaking and playing around in Photoshop with colours and textures...quite liking the results so far! x


Wednesday, 27 March 2013

littletree loves...Vintage Actually

Yellow Coffee Table

Some vintage love for a bright and sunny (finally!) Wednesday...I came across Vintage Actually because they had followed me on twitter and I am so glad they did! The shop is packed with amazing vintage finds, furniture, homewares, kitchenalia, fabrics and more...This yellow coffee table above is just one of my favourites!

Rachel Jones, who runs Vintage Actually, trained in Conservation and Restoration so does all of the re-vamping and upholstery herself...Rachel says 'This love of vintage furniture began a few years ago when I decided to purge my house of modern flatpack furniture and started to buy pieces from junk shops, ebay and car boot sales to repair, restore and recycle.' A girl after my own heart! 

So to whet your appetite even more here are few other items from the shop that are going on my wishlist...enjoy drooling everyone! x

Food Warmer
Woven Plastic Lampshade
Vintage Sheets

All images and quote from the Vintage Actually site


Friday, 22 March 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Food Stuff...

Not sure why, seeing as this week has been sooo cold weather wise, but I have pinned about 3 different icecream/sorbet recipes this week! I think my body is desperate for it to be summer...and who can blame it when you get to eat gorgeous looking things like this Strawberry-Orange Sorbet! Plus it is only made from 4 ingredients which gets a big tick from me...hope this post hasn't made you feel too cold? Have a cup of tea and warm up...see you next week friends!x


Thursday, 21 March 2013

colour inspiration...peek-a-boo hues

image HERE

Came across this beautiful photo yesterday on pinterest and I just loved the colour combination so much I had to make a little colour palette...doesn't this place look amazing? I love the calming greens and blues with that pop of soft pink...delicious. x


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

study before & after....

Hello lovely blog friends! Apologies again for the delay on these pictures I promised last week...we are having the front room replastered etc and so my poor study has become the dumping ground once again! So today I sorted it all out so I could finally take some photos...

...apart from the lack of carpet and some pictures on the walls it is not looking too bad! And I treated myself to some new drawers from Ikea on Sunday which are great for storing larger sketchpads. I have also finally got a place for my little blue formica table which will be handy for when I need extra work space...and of course the cat has her little bed tucked in the corner for when she comes to sit with me. 

Hope you have enjoyed this little peek at the work in progress going on here at littletree HQ. And once all the stuff is moved back in downstairs I hope to spend more time in here blogging and designing on a more regular basis!x


Friday, 15 March 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Cat Stuff...

I know, I know, I have been neglecting my poor blog! But I have been sooo busy with stuff to do at the new house...good news is my study is all painted (first room in the house to be finished!) so I will have some shots to share with your next week. 

For now though here is a very funny illustration I pinned this week by Erica Salcedo called the Cat and the Box...which sums up what sort of shenanigans my cat has been up to with all the boxes that are still around the house! Hope you all have a nice weekend and hope you'll pop back next week. x


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

littletree discovers...cubic

All Seasons Spice Shakers

Just a quick post to share a new shop I discovered thanks to this months Living Etc mag...Cubic...and it was all because of these little Spice Shakers. How cute is this idea? I love the chilli flakes for the autumn tree. Cubic do alot of the usual stuff you see around online but there are plenty of gems to be found among the novelty items! For example I am craving these birdy teatowels and clever mouse tail cable tidys...perfect for keeping all those wires in order! x


Monday, 4 March 2013


image HERE

As the picture says...HELLO! Yes I have returned from the depths of moving hell and we now have the internet so I can have a good ol' catch up on all of your wonderful blogs! A great way to relax after a day of cleaning, stripping wallpaper, more cleaning...painting...the list goes on. 

Thank you for all of your lovely comments, unfortunatly our moving day wasn't very succesful as the day before both my mum and I came down with horrific stomach bugs and were laid up in bed! So on the day we just had to slog though it which has sheer torture...luckily we had some super duper removals men who reall worked hard, we wouldn't have done it without them!

We have lot's to do at the new house so I will be busy busy but I hope to keep you all updated and post some piccies soon! Have a great week friends! x
