Monday, 18 February 2013

littletree loves...Bloomingville S/S13

Bloomingville S/S13 catalog cover

Happy Monday blog peeps! Today I have some wonderful pages packed with goodies to share with you from the Bloomingville S/S13 be honest it was so difficult picking just these few pages to share as I loved pretty much everything they have! I love the cute house shape boxes (p33) and wire crate storage solutions (p40) but most of all I want one of their grey quilts trimmed with fun neon colours (p72) especially the orange trim with circle stich detail...I want, I want, I want! So start your week with a good drool over this gorgeous catalog and if anyone knows where Bloomingville stuff is stocked in the UK please let me know I'd love you forever! Have a good week friends. x

Pages ALL from Bloomingville S/S13 catalog



  1. so very pretty.


    a lovely mixed bag.

  2. Hello Bloomingsville, where have you been all my life?! X


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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