Thursday, 21 February 2013

the last post...for a little while!

copyright littletree designs

Just a quick post to say that today will be my last post before I move on Friday. Thank you for all your messages of support and when I have the internet all up and running I promise to post some pictures! In the meantime I will be uploading some photos over on my Instagram account when I can, so you can always get your Littletree fix there...see you soon friends. xxx


Wednesday, 20 February 2013

I know I should be packing but...

Design Copyright Littletree Designs

...I still can't resist working on a pattern when the idea pops into my head! I think this simple speechbubble pattern could be developed into more interesting patterns with textures, words, symbols etc...when I have the time and I'm not unpacking/painting/cleaning! x


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

a week in instagram...

all taken by me

Some little snapshots into my life at the moment with help from Instagram......follow me here...x


Monday, 18 February 2013

littletree loves...Bloomingville S/S13

Bloomingville S/S13 catalog cover

Happy Monday blog peeps! Today I have some wonderful pages packed with goodies to share with you from the Bloomingville S/S13 be honest it was so difficult picking just these few pages to share as I loved pretty much everything they have! I love the cute house shape boxes (p33) and wire crate storage solutions (p40) but most of all I want one of their grey quilts trimmed with fun neon colours (p72) especially the orange trim with circle stich detail...I want, I want, I want! So start your week with a good drool over this gorgeous catalog and if anyone knows where Bloomingville stuff is stocked in the UK please let me know I'd love you forever! Have a good week friends. x

Pages ALL from Bloomingville S/S13 catalog


Thursday, 14 February 2013

Finally...a moving date!

image copyright littletree designs

Hello friends! So sorry I haven't been around this week but I have good news...remember I said we were moving house (about a million years ago...) well we finally got a date! Next Friday! So everything is hands on deck, packing, cleaning etc...this has been such a long time coming and a huge relief for us all as it has been so stressful. Thank you to everyone who has stopped by to read even though I haven't been posting much! Here is a little change of address card I have been working on, hope you like...have a good day friends x


Friday, 8 February 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

from my board Furniture Love...

I love these colourful little shelves from the amazing Urban Outfitters
Would add a great pop of colour in a small space. Have a good weekend friends! x


Thursday, 7 February 2013

littletree discovers...Timothy Sue Wallpapers

Images HERE

How amazing is this wallpaper by Timothy Sue?! If you like unique designs, graphic shapes, pretty colours and clever stuff then this wallpaper is for you as it is gorgeous and yet removable! So ideal if you are renting...or even if you just change your mind! I just love the Coconino pattern...totally droolworthy...x

Hearts Apart
  All Images from the Timothy Sue website


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

beautiful books...A Map of the World

A Map of the World

I came across this book via the Famille Summerbelle blog the other day and I had to share it with you...A Map of the World is exactly that, only seen through the eyes of some extremely talented artists and illustrators it makes for a rather interesting trip around the globe! This one is going on my amazon wishlist! x

via Famille Summerbelle
Above 3 Images via Gestalten


Monday, 4 February 2013

busy busy...and some instagraming

photo taken by me

Busy weekend, busy week coming, still no date for our move...yet I am loving Instagram...still haven't taken many photos but this is one of my favourites taken in a local cafe last week. Hope you have a good week and if you want to follow me on Instagram then hop on over here. x


Friday, 1 February 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Home stuff... via Apartment Therapy

Just because it's awesome orange kitchen...have a great weekend everyone. x


February's Blog Banner...

From the Atomic Collection // Copyright Littletree Designs

It's a new month and so in keeping with my 'new look' blog and up coming website it is time for a new banner! It's such a simple way for me to display my various designs...I'm not sure why I hadn't thought of it before? Anyway I hope you like it...have a great month! x
