Thursday, 13 December 2012

littletree makes...paper heart garland

Day four and I have a easy peasy DIY garland that is something a little different to the traditional paper chains...Paper Hearts! This is a great one for the kids as it really is simple and only requires the use of scissors and a it is so satisfying watching your chain of hearts grow!

What you will need
  • Two pieces of ribbon or string
  • Staples and stapler
  • LOTS of strips of thin card/paper! You can make them any length depending on how large you want the hearts to be, just beware thinner paper won't hold up to being to long and the heart shape will stretch. Width wise I would stick to around 2-3cm.

I used a variety of paper/card including brown parcel paper, thin red card and even some pages from a book. You really can use anything you like from what you have lying around!

Let's Make!
  1. Start by folding all of your paper strips in half. Take your first folded strip and in the crease staple in the ribbon/string. Give it a light tug to make sure it's secure.
  2. Bring the two ends around to meet each other and you will see the heart shape starting to form.
  3. Take another folded strip and tuck the end of the first heart into the fold of the new strip of paper.
  4. Staple the end as shown securing both the end of the first heart and the new one.
  5. Fold the ends around like in step 2 and another heart has been made!
  6. Keep on repeating steps 2-5 and your heart garland will grow before your eyes!

All photos taken by me

For our last day tomorrow I have a very special christmas cupcake recipe that you won't want to miss! See you then! x



  1. I made the heart garland tonight - thanks so much for showing us how it do it - Merry Christmas. Steph : )

  2. Just catching up with all your lovely crafty posts. I love these - they look so pretty. Might have to give it a go, thanks for sharing. xx


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