Thursday, 20 December 2012

bird designs

All Designs Copyright Littletree Designs

Hi guys! Just a quick post today updating you on the new designs and co-ordinates from my new collection 'Bird City' which you may remember from this post here...still not sure about the name, might re-think that! Any ideas?

I have been working on this the past few days even though I have other work that needs doing before xmas gets in full swing! Why does that always happen? I'm working on a top secret assignment along with some of my other ABSPD graduates that will be revealed in the new year but for now it's all hush hush! Have a good day friends x



  1. Oooohhh I really love the one on the left with the bird houses, it would make a fabulous wallpaper!!! X

  2. Super cute Rebecca! I always love bird stuff!

  3. lovely work! fab designs and lovely colour palette :)


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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