Tuesday, 18 December 2012

a super simple last minute gift...

Today I have a really easy last minute gift idea...a jar of ready made Muffin Mix. And I have even included a handy printout for you to give with baking instructions and flavour ideas! I gave this one above to my sister for her birthday recently along with a muffin tin and some funky paper cases.

Ingredients for ONE lot of mix (this makes 12 muffins)
  • 9oz Self Raising flour
  • 1tsp Baking Powder
  • 4oz Caster Sugar
  • Pinch of Salt
*Weigh out one lot of mix at a time unless you know how much your jar will hold.*

This jar held about three lot's of muffin mix and was a bargain from Ikea at £2! I added a painted wooden spoon as a little extra and I think it finishes the gift, but you could add muffin cases or some chocolate chips too. Now all the recipient has to do is add 1 Egg, Oil and Milk to make scrummy muffins!

You should be able to click the above image to copy and paste into you chosen program, if you have a problem then email me and I will send you the jpg directly! x


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