Tuesday, 9 October 2012

the end of my e-course!

Sad days! Saturday was the very final day of 'class' for the amazing e-course I have been part of since May, The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design...I can't thank Rachael and Beth enough for all their hard work that must have gone into creating such an inspiring and informative course and of course all of the amazing friends and fellow designers that I have met along the way! I just now have to put it all into practise! Eeep!

And so to get us started one of the last exercises we were given on the course was to design two boy's patterns and two placement prints for a real live company! I can't say which but I can share the designs I have come up with so far...it's all very exciting as our designs could get chosen to be part of their portfolio! Anyway enough rambling here they are...I have called the collection 'boys rock!'

As you can see I loved this brief and spent ages creating textures and hand lettering...I'm really pleased but I would love to hear what you think of them, especially if you have kids...would your kids like them?

PS - Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, house stuff kept me busy but thank you to everyone who has left a comment of support it has really helped at this very stressful time!



  1. Just asked my two little men did they like them ... a resounding yes and which was their favourite ... one said Born to Rock and the other the grey one ... from two genuine rockers :) ... Bee xx

  2. These are fantastic! Great work! Love the colours! And textures, and well everything :D


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