Wednesday, 24 October 2012

littletree makes...felt birdies

Hello everyone! I did promise on Monday to show you how I made the little felt birdies and so here they are! They are super easy (or I wouldn't be able to make them!) great for using up scraps of felt, odd buttons and short bits of ribbon that you would otherwise throw they make sweet christmas decorations or gifts! Apologies for the awful pictures, I was making these one evening so light was poor! Let's get started...

1// Using the template (at the end) cut out the required number of parts from your felt, plus some triangles for the beak.

2// Assemble the thread, buttons and ribbon, play around with what colours work best. I like a mix of colour!

3//  Start sewing at one point and work your way around the felt, about 5mm in from the edge. I just used a basic stitch but you could blanket stitch for a more professional look!

***Do not forget to stitch in your ribbon or beak (bird only)***

4// Before you close you can stuff the owl/bird with a small amount of wadding. I had some from an old cushion pad.

5// Sew on the wings using a button to finish, just go straight from one side through to the other.

6// Sew on your beak (owl only) in the same way.

7// Add your quirky button eyes and any extra stitch detail and you're done!

Simple huh?! A little tip for tidying up those loose threads...pop back onto a needle and thread through the middle of the main body and out the edge. Pull the thread tight-ish and cut, the thread is then hidden inside the body out of sight!

If you click on the template image below you should get the full size image to copy and paste into any program to print out...I have just given measurements so you roughly know how big they should be.

I do hope you give these little guys a go I had such fun making them on the now cold, dark nights! Happy making! x

All Pictures and Design Copyright Littletree Designs



  1. Oh these are so sweet Rebecca. Thanks for sharing the templates and instructions. xx

  2. Very cute Rebecca ... I do love little owls and birds ... thanks for sharing ... Bee xx

  3. very cute, wish my boys were in to sewing could of been some half term fun!

  4. Very sweet! Will add them to my list of things to make! x


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