Tuesday, 30 October 2012

it's the little things...

image HERE

A few weeks ago inspired by this image above, Jen of the blog Little Birdie, started a regular weekly post called 52 Weeks of Happy to remind herself of all the little things that give us joy in our day to day lives...and I for one cannot think of any nicer way to keep myself grounded in this world of 'wants' and 'needs'.

Don't get me wrong we all desire and crave things (we are only human!) but I think this is a nice way to remind ourselves of all the things that we do have in our lives...you can read Jens posts so far here and even join in if you want to.

I think I may just start writing down a few things each week that have made me happy because I'm such a pessimist I need to remind myself that life isn't really that bad all the time! So occasionally I will post them here to share with you, but for now here are my current four happy things from this week...

 * Hot apple juice after a blustery walk...

* My new favourite hat which I can now wear as it's cold...

* My lovely friend Gem saving the new series of The Walking Dead for me to watch as I don't have Sky!

* Banana boxes...excellent for packing and they're free!

What things are making you happy at the moment?



  1. So glad you are joining in with this! Four great happy things. And thanks for the lovely mention. x

  2. Lovely happy things Rebecca ... this a great way to appreciate the simple things ... Bee x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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