Monday, 3 September 2012

Littletree Vintage is OPEN!


Happy Monday everyone! Yes as you may remember a million years ago I did mention something about opening a vintage shop and today I have finally done it...New month, new venture! It's going to be a sort of pop-up shop, so once all of the items I have collected are sold (or expire!) then I will wait until I have more goodies and open again...

So, I hear you say, what sort of things does Littletree Vintage sell? Well it sells all sorts! I have huge pieces of fabric selling for silly money because I can't be bothered to cut it up smaller and list it that's a real bargain! I have some lovely retro bags I'm selling mainly because I have too many! But my favourite has to be the paper garlands and matching star...these look amazing when hung up and would be great at any party!

And there is still more to come! I have just acquired lot's lovely vintage buttons which need a clean and sort and then they will be up here too...PLUS because I love all of my blog friends I am giving you an offer for an extra 10% off this first week! Just enter the coupon name below at the checkout...I hope you stop by! x

10% Coupon Code: SHOPOPEN10PERCENT
(Ends Sunday 9th Sept)



  1. Very lovely Rebecca - nice selection of goodies. x

  2. Lovely Rebecca ... looking forward to the buttons ... Bee xx

  3. So great Rebecca! I used to have a vintage shop on etsy, and I loved it! Maybe I'll reopen again someday...

  4. Thank you for your lovely comments and visits to the shop everyone!xxx

  5. How exciting! Congratulations on the opening of the shop - gonna go have a browse now! x. Shu

  6. ooh exciting - off to check it our now... x

  7. How exciting! Hope it goes well x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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