Wednesday, 26 September 2012

buttons buttons buttons...FOR SALE!

Hello all! Sorry for the disappearing act this week but life is super hectic at the moment so posts may be a bit sporadic in the coming weeks! I have managed to photograph and list the buttons in my Vintage Shop though, I thought the easiest (and cheapest) way to do this was to group them together into price brackets (£3, £2 and so on...) then label each individual set of buttons, as shown below... the idea is that I am only listing the quantity as 1 so that when one set sells I can renew the item with the sold item marked as no longer available. As these are one off items I can only sell them once...I don't want to wake up one morning for two sales of the same buttons!

Is this confusing? Hmm...maybe a bit, but it saves me time and money bulk listing...what do you think friends? I value your opinion!

Anyway if you want to buy or just browse these button beauties then pop over HERE! Have a great rest of week and I hope to post again soon. x


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Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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