Tuesday, 18 September 2012

beautiful books...The Adventures of Mog

Well...I had a look back yesterday and I have not done a beautiful books post since March! So today I have one of my childhood favourites...The Adventures of Mog by the wonderful Judith Kerr.

This wasn't my original book, I had seperate books for each story, but since we didn't have them anymore and I saw this copy of all the stories at a car boot I had to get them to keep. I don't remember much about the story Mog and the baby...but I loved the original Mog the Forgetful Cat and Mog's Christmas stories. I love the illustrations and Mog's various expressions! I particularly like the picture with everyone around the Christmas tree, it's so colourful and happy...and of course the classic Mog picture below.

So enjoy this little trip down memory lane...do you have any Mog stories friends? x

All Pictures from The Adventures of Mog by Judith Kerr


  1. Love this book Rebecca ... what a lovely find ... Bee xx

  2. Ah, these are mine & my daughters favourite stories - so much so that we named our cat Mog too. Beautiful illustrations and funny. Unfortunately, our Mog is no longer with us, but we still love to read the books and think of her.

  3. Ah, I love Mog so much - my older son went through a phase of being totally obsessed with Mog and the Baby, I must have read it hundreds of times! Haven't really introduced my younger son to Mog yet, thanks for reminding me - time to dig it out from the loft! :)

  4. We often read my son Mog The Forgetful Cat. It was my husband's book from when he was little and I love that my boy gets to read it too now :-) x

  5. I LOVE Mog, the coolest cat in the world (and the most forgetful!). I loved these books as a child and now my girls love all of the books! Great choice.


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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