Friday, 20 July 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

find this pin HERE on my random stuff board...

Well it seems Friday has rolled around yet again! Where are the weeks going? And where is the summer for that matter? I know us Brits are always moaning about the weather but seriously it seems summer has just been forgotten about this year! I'm mainly annoyed because I haven't been able to wear any of my new summer clothes...still in my cosy hoodie and thick socks...*sigh*

Never mind...this amazing piece of graffiti, or street art as I prefer to call it, has made me smile. I love the way street artists turn everyday mundane things into something beautiful. I would love if this happened in our local Tesco car park! Have a lovely (hopefully sunny?) weekend xxx

PS - Ooh I also found out that Louise, my giveaway winner, had never won a giveaway before and it was her birthday this week too, so it's extra nice for her to win!



  1. So gorgeous! Well done them for prettying (is this a word) up a dreary carpark! Bee x

  2. Awesome footpath art! Love your find!

  3. Very cool graffiti! Hope you get some sunshine soon. Summers in the UK used to drive me nuts! I could cope with the winters (they're supposed to be cold) but the non-existent summers use to really get me down. x


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