Tuesday, 24 July 2012

littletree loves...positive inking

I LOVE this site! I found it last week through Rhiannas blog Rhi-Creations and just loved the idea behind it...run by illustrator Alyssa Nassner, Positive Inking is a place for designers to submit positive messages and inspiring words...great idea! And guess what? I submitted my 'Big things...' print last week and it was accepted! So hop on over here to check it out plus all the other great words of wisdom...here are a few of my faves so far...x

Marisa Seguin
Anika Starmer
Anika Starmer
Why do cat's love a paper bag or box? So funny to watch them...



  1. Ahh I love don't forget to be AWESOME....so pretty and bright...x

  2. Well done, i love your 'big things' print. What a brilliant site, lots of great ones on there. xx

  3. Well done on getting accepted - your prints are lovely! I love the don't forget to be awesome one ... Bee x

  4. Well done! I'm off to explore the site... x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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