Monday, 9 July 2012

a littletree catch-up...

Hello Monday and hello blog friends...did you all have a nice weekend? I hope I'm doing a little round-up of general goings on around Littletree HQ since last week was very holiday snaps heavy!

Now you can probably tell from the pictures that I received my Hello Olive giveaway prize in the post...a lovely tote bag designed by Colleen of Hello Olive and some super sweet earrings by Bow Peep.  Colleen has just opened her Etsy shop (!!) which you must visit! Plus I had to included a pic of the tag Colleen wrote as the message was so nice...I love all of the virtual friends I have 'met' through writing this blog too!

*** may have noticed a slight change around here recently? I have had a little 'tidy-up' of the blog, moved some things around, de-cluttered now my pages are up there on the right along with a NEW Top 5 Blogs list for July. I figured this was a much easier way of sharing my new faves with you...AND I have a new page with links to my regular posts rather than having them on the main page cluttering things up. I hate clutter...even if it is virtual...they have pretty pictures for each button too, cute!

I also made it to 20,000 views! I still find it weird that people all over the world read my little blog and more amazing is that some of you are living only down the road too!


And finally...I had a very nice e-mail from Susan of the blog Pocket Change who writes a regular feature called Best of the Web which features a round up of great blogs each week...and she asked me if I would like to be included! *blushes* I was of course very watch this space, I will let you know when the post is up! Have a good week all x



  1. Hi Rebecca, thanks for putting my blog on your July list, that's really nice. I might even try and do a post this week (ahem!) Been a bit manic lately with kids birthdays, illnesses and now on top of that my town flooded at the weekend (we stayed dry luckily, but a few friends houses got caught).

  2. Oooh no! You never would have thought it was July here in the UK given the awful weather, I still have my thick socks on! Thanks for your comment I really enjoy your blog and thanks for following me to!x

  3. Thanks for the mention Rebecca :-) Sorry I haven't been commenting much lately but life has been a bit hectic! And congrats on achieving 20 000 views - your blog is great! x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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