Monday, 2 July 2012

holiday snaps...pattern in Antequera

Hello all and hello July! The month of my birthday...eep it's all flying by so fast! Anyhoo I hope you had a good weekend? Today I have a few of my holiday snaps to share with you...these shots were taken in the beautiful city of Antequera which was the nearest big town to us. It is known as 'the heart of Andalucia' and has more churches per square mile than anywhere else in Europe, they are everywhere! But of course me being a pattern nut I was more interested in all of these beautiful tiles that decorated the entrance halls to houses and apartments all over the city...

I love the textured floor in the top right pic, it was made out of pebbles all laid in a tile like pattern. It was amazing how many different tiles there were, I could have taken so many pictures! I also like the different decorative rivets on the doors too, the little flower ones in the bottom left pic are so cute...

Other pattern around the city...big beautiful doors (very morrocan inspired), lovely stonework on this building (top right) and these pavement tiles with a pretty geometric pattern engraved into them (bottom).

I could have wandered around all day 'pattern spotting' but that probably would have driven my friends insane! Plus I would have melted in the heat...or the camera would have instead we all headed off for an icy treat, a Calippo! Who doesn't love a Calippo? It was lemon and lime too, extra zingy and refreshing...enough rambling about ice lollies now I promise. Hope you enjoyed my pattern spotting post, I have a few more pics to share later on in the week so do pop back!

Have a good week friends x



  1. gorgeous tiles! love the top ones especially. glad you had a fabulous time. and yes, i do love a calippo! x

  2. Lovely pics Rebecca! So cold here at the moment - I can't remember what it feels like to be too hot :-) x

  3. Love all the tiles... the UK is really boring when it comes to tiles when you see all this! I'm more of a Twister gal but have been known to have a Calippo :)


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