Thursday, 5 July 2012

e-course update...module 2

So here it is, Module 2! Well we are quite a way into module 2 now but seeing as my holiday was smack bang in the middle of weeks 1-2 I am a little behind everyone this is what I have been up to this week.

all images copyright littletree deigns

Having about three different things on the go I thought a screen shot would be the best way to show you what I have been doing...there's some nice new colour palettes which I may share with you next week...a little pattern I have called 'geo fruit'...we have been learning more about collections and how they don't have to be matchy matchy...and then yesterday I started on a brief to design a range of stationary! Phew...busy busy!

all images copyright littletree designs

Above is a little side project that is on going throughout module 2...we are to keep a large sheet of paper up in our workspace and take 5 minutes out from the computer each day to doodle! I must admit it does help to refresh the creativity after staring for hours at a screen! I'm liking them so far and can already imagine developing a few into patterns... there you are! It's been a bit manic but it's nice being busy...well when the creativity is flowing! If you want to see any of the designs larger just pop by my Flickr page...Have a good day everyone x



  1. It's nice to see how a professional sets up their work on the monitor, I wish I could be so organised, love it.

    1. I promise it isn't usually so neat and arranged! And so flattering you refered to me as a professional! *blushes* x

  2. I love your doodles! It's such a great idea... x


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