Thursday, 19 July 2012

e-course update...end of module 2!

Can you believe that module 2 is almost finished!? I know I missed the first week and a half but these 5 weeks have just flown you might have noticed a few changes around here (again? I here you say!) but this is all to do with the 'branding' part of the module and I mainly wanted to re-do (again!) my website.

I felt it didn't reflect me or my style, was a bit boring and I have now added colour and hopefully a bit of fun with these cute new buttons! And so if the website changes the blog has to change and the Etsy shop so it all matches and works as a 'brand'...complicated stuff this...


Now for the fun stuff! These below were my three favourite projects from the past module...this first one was a brief for stationary and after initially posting the first pic on Flickr everone loved the black and white so it stayed that way with a fab injection of lime green! I have decided to call the range 'Limonochrome'...very clever I thought?

Next we had a brief for a geometric pattern range that would be suitable for swimwear yet A/W colours...not so easy...some of these I think would work but others I'm not so sure...either way I love the collection!

And last is my favourite of all...a collection based around upcoming trends for S/S 13 the Fifties! Infact I have entered the bottom right one into the recent Spoonflower competition (pop by here to vote...please x)

If you want to see any of these patterns in their larger sizes all you have to do it click here to take you to my Flickr photostream...

I hope you have enjoyed this (rather large) round-up post...I cannot wait until Module 3! x

All Images in this post are Copyright Littletree Designs.
Please do not reproduce/re-blog. Thank you x



  1. wow this new work is amazing! I love the atomic collection. I might have to enrol on this e-course and see what happens to my work. x

  2. Love love love the atomic collection! Well done, it all looks amazing! x

  3. Anonymous24/7/12 11:24

    Hi, I'm loving the website, especially the three link buttons at the bottom :) It look so clean and tidy, yet inspiring and inviting. I have a long way to go with mine, but getting there slowly!


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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