Thursday, 12 July 2012

colour inspiration...

image copyright littletree designs

image copyright littletree designs

So as briefly mentioned last week on my e-course update these are two new colour palettes I have put together...the task was to take a magazine/photo image that we liked the colours in and develop a palette from them. I loved the picture for 'Pretty Carnival'  but my favourite palette is definitely 'Fresh Pastels'...what's your favourite? x

Both images came from the Good Homes magazine July issue.


PS...Thank you for all of your lovely comments yesterday and to my new followers!
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  1. I really like the carnival picture but I think it's because I always gravitate towards bright and bold colours. x

  2. I love the contrast in the carnival palette x

  3. Beautiful palettes!!!
    Mint green is so delicate...

  4. I do love the boldness of the second, but I'm with you, the first one is more me.

  5. Love the carnival colours. The yellowy-greens are gorgeous.


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