Wednesday, 18 July 2012

blog crush...Pepper + Buttons

I haven't done a Blog Crush in a while and this one is a winner! I found Pepper + Buttons through someone who had left a comment and it was in their blog list...can't remember who now...sorry if it was you! I just LOVE this blog! Lovely pictures, interiors, design and inspiration (plus how cute is the blog banner!?) It is a real treat...go check it out!x

image from pepper+buttons


PS - Don't forget to pop back later to see who won the giveaway!



  1. I popped by there real quick and already loved the first post. Thanks for the tip :)

  2. Me too! Great new (to me) blog to read, thanks!

  3. Hi Rebecca! I don't normally say 'OMG' but now I will: OMG!! Thank you so so much. Your post has brighten my day and you won't believe what it means to me.
    Sending you lots of love, Pippa xoxo


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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