Thursday, 31 May 2012


image copyright Littletree Designs

Hello blog do you remember a while back I entered these patterns (above) into the Paper Bicycle competition... well my prize for winning came yesterday! Now it's a little late and this is due to the new venture they had lauched recently called the Light Grey Art Lab, so things have been pretty busy for them and I had almost forgotten all about it! But then the doorbell rang and I got this enormous parcel...that's not just a thermos mug I thought...and they had so kindly sent me a fabulous cushion as well as the mug for being so patient! So BIG THANKS go out to all the team at Paper Bicycle for my lovely goodies!x

lovely goodies! pic taken by me


  1. Well done... your designs are lovely. I really like the Aubergine colour way!

  2. lovely! well done. great design. x

  3. Such a gorgeous prize! Well done, your designs are lovely! x


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