Monday, 28 May 2012

car boot booty!

Hellooo Monday! Today I start Module 2 of my e-course, eek! Exciting stuff! So just popping in to check you all had lovely weekends? And to share my car boot booty...booty like pirate treasure...not the other kind...this haul was all from one car boot that I often visit on a Wednesday, weird day I know but it is the best around!

Incase you are wondering what the green spaceship type thing is it's a Joseph Joseph mezzaluna, brand new, from the Essex Air Ambulance stall (yey local charity) and only £2!! But I'm also loving the homemade glockenspiel, the cup and 'cloud' shaped saucer with the little house on it, so unusual!

Another thing worth mentioning is that I am thinking of opening a second Etsy shop selling some of my vintage/retro finds! I see so many interesting things, but obviously can't keep them all, so I thought I would pass them onto you lovely people instead...I have a little stockpile of goodies ready, just need to do all the other stuff, like registering an actual shop...and photos...prices... Anyhoo I will obviously let you all know when I'm up and running and maybe offer a special opening discount for my lovely blog readers too...Have a good week all. x

images taken by me


  1. Your finds are lovely! I love the cup and plate. Good luck with the 2nd Etsy shop! I have finally made progress with mine. Just need to photograph some stuff which is taking ages... I would wait til autumn to do it when there is not very good natural light! x

  2. Great finds! I love that house cup and saucer. A 2nd Etsy shop sounds like a great idea. I have some collected some vintage bits for an Etsy shop but would like to open one for my own stuff first - not getting very far though! xx

  3. Great finds! I look forward to your new shop!

  4. That is an unusual cup and plate, but totally gorgeous.

    Nina x

  5. love the cup and matching plate - such pretty colours!


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