Thursday, 12 April 2012

littletree visits...V&A British Design 1948-2012

image HERE

Hello blog peeps, sorry if you didn't hear much from me yesterday but thank you for all your lovely comments! I was in ol' London town visiting the V&A's British Design exhibition which I will say is a definite must see if you are in London or coming for the Olympics. The exhibition is packed full of design classics through the ages to ooh and ahh over, from fashion and furniture to cars and computer well as other 'classics' such as the design of the humble traffic light!

I particularly enjoyed the many fabrics on display, including a piece of 'Calyx' the famous Lucienne Day design for the 1951 Festival of was very hard not to sneak it off the wall and pop it in my bag! One little surprise was seeing a Campden Candelabrum by Robert Welch (below) because I'm sure I have one at home that I picked up from a bootfair for £1.50! I didn't know who the designer was before so I'm going to do a little research...maybe I have a real find on my hands!

image from the V&A collection HERE
my one at home...

The V&A shop was all decked out in British Design loveliness with the columns wrapped in giant fabric prints and even some beautiful glass sticker decorations (below) usual I desperately wanted everything but I did manage to come away with only a card...although I now want these lovely books (below, below)...oh and this Rob Ryan ruler...and one of these 'Time for Tea' prints by Marcus Walters too! much stuff so little money...hope you enjoyed this sneaky peek and get to see the exhibition, it's on until 12th August. xxx

1// 2// 3// 4// 5// or 2-5 as a BOXSET
Images from the V&A bookshop


  1. That sounds great Rebecca. And maybe you do have quite a find on your hands. Looks pretty much the same to me! x

  2. Looks like a great exhibition. Unfortunately no plans to visit the UK this year :-( Your candelabrum looks identical to the one at the V&A!

  3. Thanks guys! Is it me or is candelabrum starting to sound funny? I'm not sure if it's worth much (yet) but I found out a bit more about it so thats good! I think I'll hang onto it for a while...

  4. Good find with that candelabrum! The V&A shop always has nice things. I will have to try and make it to that exhibition when I'm next in London.


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