Tuesday, 10 April 2012

a little update in the land of littletree...

Hello my lovely blog peeps! Hope you all have a great Easter break and you aren't too sick from scoffing chocolate 24/7...I have been rather busy and so today is a little update on a few going's on around Littletree HQ.

Firstly I have finally updated the 'must reads' section of the blog, I have been rather slack at keeping up with this and so I had a loooong list of new blogs to add! Plus I have made a new 'food blogs' section for those of you who, like me, love a good bake! I think Spoon Fork Bacon is still my #1 but go check them out and tell me your faves...

Second is rather exciting...I have taken the plunge and opened a Spoonflower Shop! I'm still in the process of uploading designs and I need to order some test swatches before I can sell any fabric but it's still pretty great! I can't wait to get creative with my very own designed fabric! Pop on by and have a peek...

And last, but not least...drumroll please...my new and improved Website is up and running! I am hoping that it is better laid out and simpler to navigate than before, I would love to hear what you think blog friends! Oh and please let me know if you spot any spelling mistakes, I hate that!

So there we are, all caught up on things! I have some goodies planned for this weeks posts including April's Top 5 Blogs, so do pop back soon! Have a good week everyone xxx


  1. Wooooh! Its all looking so fab. Lots to read and great colours everywhere. Thank you for including me in your list- much appreciated, Jo x

  2. wow, you've been busy! it all looks great x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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