Friday, 16 March 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Image HERE

With this image above everywhere on the blogisphere recently it seemed only natural to have a pinterest picks dedicated to the phenomena that is Pantone...there are literally hundreds of products that are Pantone related and this board from Cathe Huynh-Sison - Pantone Heaven has a fantastic selection...some of which I have chosen to share with you today! Pantone nail varnish...yes please!

And last but not least...a Pantone pumpkin!? Brilliant! 
Hope you have enjoyed this Pantone love-in, as usual click on the links above for the sources. 
Happy Weekends everyone!x


  1. oh diviiiiiiine! that's cheered me up after my row with an idiot on the bus. thank you. x

  2. I love the nail varnish! Years and years ago (when Pantone was just a colour chip) my colleagues and I used to joke about producing mugs with Pantone colour references so we could match the tea to it. Looks like someone beat us to it :-)

  3. I saw even the Pantone lipbalm!!

  4. Have you seen the Pantone children's book? I want one for myself!

  5. So nice! I love them! X Aurélie


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