Friday, 9 March 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Helloooo Friday! I have no work this weekend, yey! I am actually off to visit my old university city of Leicester to meet up with the girls I used to live with to do a little catching up, as well as some shopping and much scoffing off good food! So this pic above sums up my weekend plans perfectly! Hope you all have something nice planned for your weekends...

Anyhoo, back to the task at hand, this weeks pinterest picks! Today is all about that super soothing colour, mint...I may be slightly biased because my favourite ice-cream flavour is mint choc-chip so to me mint just sums up summer and relaxed times, plus it seems to be a pretty popular colour at the moment! So todays minty treats come from Courtney Wilkerson and her board 'minty fresh'...x

Mmm...these bowls would be even better with some ice-cream in them! 
Hope you have enjoyed the minty-ness...I thought I would leave you with this little saying below 
which rings very true for me and how I felt a just a few months to all x


  1. Love this post- just found you. Off to read some more! Jo x

  2. It's all so pretty! I love mint green :)


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